July 23, 2009

September Stampers 10 Group Sign Up

Hi there, wow 2 posts in one night!

So with the summer comes the end of the Stampers 10 group from 2008. SO..... I want to take the time to invite you to join the NEW group starting September 2009!

This year will be more traditional, 10 ladies, 10 hostesses, 10 months.

Here's what it involves:

In a Stampers 10 club there are 10 members

The club runs for 10 months so from September 09 - June 2010

Each member agrees to spend a minimum of $40 per month, before

shipping and tax ***

Each month a different club member is chosen to be the hostess

When it’s your turn to be the hostess, you are guaranteed to receive a

level one hostess set of your choice plus at least $20 to spend in the

catalogue and mini catalogues

You’ll also get a free copy of the catalogue, if you don’t already have


By joining a Stampers 10 club, you get the chance to spread the cost while

building up your collection & still being able to enjoy the free benefits.

It’s that simple!

*** this number is based on less than 6 people, the more people that join, the less you're committed to spending

you also don't HAVE to attend every party! You can email me your order, and it will arrive like christmas! And if you don't want to host it at your home, I will have my studio by then, and am MORE than willing to share my space with you:))

The Hostess's only responsibility is to prepare food & beverages and to have a good time! That's it that's all!

I also want to mention that if you have friends that are interested in attending YOUR hostess party........ the more the merrier I always say! more free merchandise for you!

Please RSVP by August 23rd as that's when I'm back from our family vacation ( yup, the WHOLE family)

I am also emailing this invitation out, so if you get it twice, I apologize:))

- make time for the things you love